Monday, December 21, 2009

[insert a post title here]

Yeah. Sorry :(( I've got tution. Maybe 27-30?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

since yishan cant on the 23rd , after christmas ? find a date =D

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

All my heart :D

Hello :D Reply to Jasmine's post : Can't wait ! :D I just told Zhenny on Facebook. Don't know whether she'll see it or not, so, I'll call her. :) & if you want to eat there then bring money. if don't want, then i can prepare something? :) The Club's Cabonara is awesome! :DD

Jasmine and I MAY be going swimming twice? On the 23rd and maybe this coming Thursday :) Intrested?

Monday, December 14, 2009

now we can meet each other , everyone together :D yay ~

i think we should bring more $ for lunch or bring our own ... ?

**do zhenling knows ?

Friday, December 11, 2009


I won't be around on 19th. D: will be back by 22nd.

x, love.

Random post title. ANYWAY, Jasmine & I have been doing some planning. Going swimming at The Club on the 19th of December? 9am-6pm. Um, bring RM 8 something, 'cause non-members gotta pay to get in, or else fine :O Okay?:) I hate my swim suit. LOL.

Thursday, December 3, 2009



:D :D 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My one heart ,

Helloooo :DDDDD
Comment about the new layout :D

This blog needs to be updated ;) TEEHEE :DDDDD

I wanna like hang out, all five together? :) Maybe do like what Kay-Li suggested? Or, come my house? :D


HEHEHE ! do you guys wanna go out makan makan jalan jalan on 30th dec?  im just suggesting.