Thursday, July 30, 2009

dum dum dee (:

AISHHH, so bored :/ but at least my exams are over, well, me and zhen ling's anyway :DD want outing or somethngs during hols? but after 24th of August. Just asking, though. Oh, and um, Jasmine's birthday coming up !!! I.NEED.TO.GET.HER.SOMETHING!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

SOOO thoughtful . i'm touched :)


wow spamming crap . ciao

Sunday, July 26, 2009


hellooo :)

yes ! jasmine and yishan's birthday is coming up.

wanna celebrate QUESTION MARK

JASMINE : i will tell you how when you ONLINE ! :)
ooohh mann :( i am having another headache. :( okay, better have a rest. short update :) please answer the question above guys :)


Saturday, July 25, 2009

oh shit . idk how to change the dp . only yishan can ? lol
someone must teach me this blogger stuff !
okay i'm done , srsly . i won't post another post for today alr .
bye all . keep in touch still yeaa
this ends here .
i'm changing my display pic in this blog from this

to this

okay :D and last thing ,

when is yr sch holiday ? idk mine thou xD

Thursday, July 16, 2009


hey peeps ! :) 
i know i've not been updating lately :/ so here i am ! ;D


yipee ! :) so maybe c.j.k.z.y can celebrate with her ? :) WOOTS ! 
okay, AHHH ! WAIST PAIN AGAIN ! :( dammit . 
i've been having waist pain for one whole day already ! :(
and i've learned the hoedown throwdown dance, so maybe c.j.k.z.y can dance along on her bday too ! :D

okay, got to finish my moral project ! :) it's our forth project for goodness sake !


Saturday, July 11, 2009

With love


Chiew Theng ; Zhen Ling ; Jasmine & Kay-Li

You guys were always there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. We kept each other secreat and still share it among each other right now. We may not get along sometimes, but friends fight too, right? I just want you guys to know that YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. I miss those days when we were together, studying together, playing together, catching a movie togeher. But I know even though time passed, we are still best friends, for ever and alwayas. We may be studying at different schools now, but our friendship gorws stronger everyday.

ILOVEYOUGUYS, you are the best damn thing that ever happened to me

yishan :D

the...pop it, lock it, polka dot it .

i know yishan loves this song :) let's give it up for the.. HOEDOWN THROWDOWN .

Boom clap
Boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap
Boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap
Boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap
Boom de clap de clap

Try it with me
Here we go,

Boom boom clap
Boom de clap de clap
That's right
Boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap
Boom de clap de clap

Everybody come on, off your seats
I'm gonna tell you about a beat
That's gonna make you move your feet

I'll give the Bar-be-que show
And tell you how to move
If your
five or eighty-two
This is something you can do..

Pop it, lock it, polka dot it
Countrify then, Hip-hop it
Put your hawk in the sky
Move side to side
Jump to the left
Stick it, glide

Zig-zag cross the floor
Shuffle in diagonal
When the drum hits
Hands on your hips
One footed
180 twist

and then a,
Zig-zag, step n' slide
Lean it left
clap three times
Shake it out
Head to toe
Throw it all together
That's how we roll

Do the hoedown throwdown
and repeat; and repeat ;
Throw it all together
That's how we roll

We get to four, five, six
And your feeling busted
But it's not time to quit
Practice makes you perfect 

Back to the chorus ! ;)

Boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap
Come on
Here we go
Boom boom clap
Boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap
Boom de clap

back to t-h-e-CHORUS. ;D

Boom de clap
Ba boom boom clap clap clap
Boom dot clap
Ba boom boom clap clap clap
Boom de clap
Boom de clap de clap
Throw it all together
That's how we roll

THAT'S HOW WE ROLL ! oohh, it ended ? so fast ? :( wth. :O anyway, HOEDOWN THROWDOWN ! :) TRY DANCING TO THE BEAT. i mean it literally :) yeaaaa. it's fast&&fun :)

okay, got to go! byeeeee :)

[[reply to below ]]
if you're pissed , smile ? lols

and tht time when u called me , i think it's just xxx . xxx is bitchy .
and it's her problem and you got nothing to worry about
and every when there's insults , try to deal with it

it's hard , definitely , but 。 。 。 记人之善 , 忘人之过 。
kay , tht's hard too . but at lease try ?

i know this ain't as much help but i'm part of the support group so .. better than nothing ?

if there's anything else you can come find us and not only when there's a problem .

this ends here ,
much lovess ,

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

pissed off

as you can see, I'm not in the mood these days.
I just feel so pissed off !! arghhh !!
I don't know what's wrong with me, but things these days just doesn't seem right. people has their own will, their own opinion, and if you wanna butt in when is non of your buisness, FINE !! I DON'T CARE NO MORE :/

p.s/ sorry, for being so pissed off.

xx, yishan

Thursday, July 2, 2009

1 shot .

i'm so bored and sweaty now haha . just came back from koko .
bsb competition today
and i suck at it .
but first year soo ... nvm la .
i teamed with kah yee and yii phing .
and there's 1 person i kinda bui song today .
whoops xD
*names not to be told at lease not here , public .
here's why :
i slide throu her and took the bsb frm her when she's dribbling and
when i got it , she was like mahai . dunno say to me or to say tht she's fustrated .
both ways , it's rude .
agree ?
so then tie cause the ball keep going out and
i got 1 shot at the end . yyyaaaaaayyyyyy . so we won the last round , only .
am i being selfish / perasan for writting this ?
sorry if so .. too bored edi ..
this ends here .