Thursday, July 2, 2009

1 shot .

i'm so bored and sweaty now haha . just came back from koko .
bsb competition today
and i suck at it .
but first year soo ... nvm la .
i teamed with kah yee and yii phing .
and there's 1 person i kinda bui song today .
whoops xD
*names not to be told at lease not here , public .
here's why :
i slide throu her and took the bsb frm her when she's dribbling and
when i got it , she was like mahai . dunno say to me or to say tht she's fustrated .
both ways , it's rude .
agree ?
so then tie cause the ball keep going out and
i got 1 shot at the end . yyyaaaaaayyyyyy . so we won the last round , only .
am i being selfish / perasan for writting this ?
sorry if so .. too bored edi ..
this ends here .

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