Monday, August 31, 2009

do you see ?

Love in our eyes.
Friendship in our heart.
Laughter in our lungs.

haha (: random ? yes, boy-ohh-random. i have no idea what to do now ): i am bored. time is passing THAT fast. ): mann, i wanna goo shopping. guuguugaagaa.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


hello (: how are you guys doing ? :) *p.s./ i am bored. ):

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

do you see.

helloooo ! :)

i was just browsing through the magazine andd i just find..


georgous. :)

harry-2.jpg emma watson 1 image by Jorzac

emma-watson.jpg (294×500)emma-watson-burberry-ads-01.jpg (945×1222)

ain't she ?

okay ; thats all i guess (:
byE !

Monday, August 24, 2009

very true bout the h1n1 .

i wanna go out cause i wanna watch a movie !

it's call orphan ( & it's a 18 and above )


thought it's very long , try reading the bolded words .

( credits go to google ) ( re-edited)


Kate and John Coleman are experiencing strains in their marriage after Kate's third child - "Jessica" - died . The loss is particularly hard on Kate, who is still recovering from a drinking habit that cost her her job.

They adopt Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman), a 9-year-old Russian girl they had met, from the local orphanage. Not long after Esther arrives, she pushes a schoolmate down a playground slide, who had picked on her, breaking her ankle. Max saw Esther shove the girl, but covers for Esther by saying that the girl "slipped".

However, she is further alarmed when Sister Abigail (CCH Pounder), the head of the orphanage, warns her and John about Esther's tendency to be around when things go wrong. Esther overhears this and later kills Sister Abigail with a hammer to the head.

Kate is told by the orphanage that they cannot find any record of the Russian orphanage Esther came from. However, John does not believe her, despite continued ominous behavior by Esther.

Later, Esther breaks her own arm in John's vice and convinces John that Kate broke it in the scuffle from earlier.

On Esther's first day back at school, she slips Kate's SUV into neutral, nearly killing Max. Badly shaken, Kate buys two bottles of wine, but at the last minute pours one of them down the drain and leaves the other full.

Kate learns that Esther was housed at a mental institution in Estonia called the Saarne Institute, but when she expresses misgivings to John, he and her counselor think that Kate is relapsing into her drinking habit. After John produces the other bottle Kate bought the night before, he threatens to leave her unless she gets help.

Daniel learns of the hammer from Max and decides to get it and go to the police. However, Esther sets the treehouse on fire, intending to get rid of the evidence and kill Daniel. Daniel escapes by falling out of the tree, and gets a severe neck injury. Esther tries to finish him off by smashing a brick over his head, but Max shoves her out of the way just in time. Esther again tries to kill him at the hospital by smothering him with a pillow. As doctors rush to save Daniel, Kate angrily knocks Esther down for doing that and is sedated by doctors.

That night, Esther tries to seduce a drunk and sad John. John realizes Kate was telling the truth all along and threatens to call the orphanage. Esther, angry at being spurned, ransacks her room and later stabs John to death.

Max witnesses this and hides in her laundry hamper.As Kate is coming out of sedation, she gets a call from the Saarne Institute's director, Dr. Värava (Karel Roden), who reveals that Esther isn't a 9-year-old girl at all, but a 33-year-old woman named Leena Klammer. She has hypopituitarism, a disorder that stunted her physical growth, and has spent most of her life posing as a little girl.

Kate rushes home, where Esther shoots her in the arm before searching for Max.Their chase takes them outside to a frozen pond, where Kate and Esther struggle before falling through broken ice from the knife Esther tried to stab Kate with. Kate crawls out of the hole, followed by Esther, who begs for her life, addressing Kate as "Mommy". Kate angrily responds that she is not her mother and kicks Esther in the face, breaking her neck and sending her back into the pond to drown.


interesting ? watch the trailer at your own risk ! click ophan .

idk how to upload video so there's a link . awesome :)
oh and do ct and zl knows about the hang out ? i can help call .
** ct , un-private ur blog !

interesting ;

wow (;
jasmine , go to yishan's house on wed ?! :)

byeee ;

Sunday, August 23, 2009

dead and gone

hope you guys like it !!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


they are lifeless, and very kacau only.
and you guys are more than welcome to come to my house. just tell me when, okay?

ehmm ?

mm..i will
coz' the influenza A H1N1 thingay is kinda' serious now );
so..yeaa (:

okay ; gtg.
byeee (:
i like posting stuff , so im here again .
hi :)
want to go out shopping or house ?
vote xD
and hmm , rmb not to forget the things that happened at std 1-6 so we can talk abt it
and write it down in a book
(if we run out of topic)
and yr class photo :) i want to see them !
so .. that's all ? ciaoo

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hey chiew theng / jasmine / kay-li / zhen ling & yishan and viewers ! :)
i'm gonna be selfish today by posting about this week .
and updating this by the way haha .
i was absent from school since tuesday .
and from last week , i got sore throat for not drinking enough water after eating
kokokrunch .
the flu came , so did the coughing and flam .
soo anyways , i was resting on wednesday
and today i had to go check up for h1n1 .
my mom said not to take it for granted (anyone saw the denggi commercial ? ) .
my dad was driving to the clinic tht i used to go and it was closed .
so then we drive all the way
and went to the clinic at little bu .
went home and waited till 3 then i went to
damasara hospital .
had to wait so many time and it's like 30 min + everytime i had to wait .
oh well .. it's okay .
i had time and thanks marie for breaking dawn ! it really killed the time .
screening was a total bullcrap .
the doctor called me to lay back on a chair and breath in and out .
who knew he shoved a cotton bud in my right nostril and went deep ,
my tears just came out , it hurts :(
and it felt like i was having a nose bleed .
my nose still hurts like hell after he took it out .
he cut the cotton bud and put it in a container
and said i had to wait for 2 hours to get the results .
went home after paying the bill
and then my mom got a call
and it's negative .
kinda knew it xD
i don't even have fever , or half of the symtomps of h1n1 / influenza A .
what a waste of money ..
i'm not going sch tommorrow also awesome . but i have to study
i deleted the previous post sorry .
so here it is : thanks for the wish ! no miracle thou ..
p/s : can anyone teach me to change the dp ! xD haha sorry for being so annonying . post the steps here ! i wanna learn about blogger stuff . have to learn from the pros .

Sunday, August 9, 2009

happy birthday (:

HAPPY 13th, Jasmine (:

May all your wishes come true,
oh and did whatever I said came true? I hope it did.

I'm SURE that your 13th is wonderful & awesome.
happy birthday, babe.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy birthday , yishan .
wow this is late but still :)

short post . oh and im on plurk ! sort of . haha
