Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hey chiew theng / jasmine / kay-li / zhen ling & yishan and viewers ! :)
i'm gonna be selfish today by posting about this week .
and updating this by the way haha .
i was absent from school since tuesday .
and from last week , i got sore throat for not drinking enough water after eating
kokokrunch .
the flu came , so did the coughing and flam .
soo anyways , i was resting on wednesday
and today i had to go check up for h1n1 .
my mom said not to take it for granted (anyone saw the denggi commercial ? ) .
my dad was driving to the clinic tht i used to go and it was closed .
so then we drive all the way
and went to the clinic at little bu .
went home and waited till 3 then i went to
damasara hospital .
had to wait so many time and it's like 30 min + everytime i had to wait .
oh well .. it's okay .
i had time and thanks marie for breaking dawn ! it really killed the time .
screening was a total bullcrap .
the doctor called me to lay back on a chair and breath in and out .
who knew he shoved a cotton bud in my right nostril and went deep ,
my tears just came out , it hurts :(
and it felt like i was having a nose bleed .
my nose still hurts like hell after he took it out .
he cut the cotton bud and put it in a container
and said i had to wait for 2 hours to get the results .
went home after paying the bill
and then my mom got a call
and it's negative .
kinda knew it xD
i don't even have fever , or half of the symtomps of h1n1 / influenza A .
what a waste of money ..
i'm not going sch tommorrow also awesome . but i have to study
i deleted the previous post sorry .
so here it is : thanks for the wish ! no miracle thou ..
p/s : can anyone teach me to change the dp ! xD haha sorry for being so annonying . post the steps here ! i wanna learn about blogger stuff . have to learn from the pros .

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