Friday, June 5, 2009

Hey peeps !

here comes the June Hols ! 

actually , i am sick of this june hols ; already
im STUCK at home . 
for 9 more dayS. :(
luckily we're going for outings . :) yipee !

this is a short yet simple post . 
i heard yishan is reading When the Rainbows End by Cecillia Ahern
and if you have not read it yet .better go to a bookshop and buy it back to read ! i mean it !!
it's a really nice love story instresting yet complicated butvery entertaining and lovely and sweet and awesome etc.
i can't get my hands off that book ! :) 
Alex and Rosie ; Katie and Toby
okay, i better stop talking about the book now , i'll go nuts !

x) okay. i think that's for now. STAY TUNED !

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