Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Woots (: ain't no original

- You've got me crazier, crazier

Hello peeps! Kay-Li came to my house around 9:20 this morning, I think . . .
Anyways, she came so we can go to Zhen Ling's house together, and before that we took pictures, ahh, the posers to strut their stuff :D
We tried jump shot but failed :( Oh, and some pictures are with Kay-Li, will post them up next time, a very looooooooooong time later, just joking! I will post them up as soon as I get it, okay? So the pictures blow are normal shots and mirror pictures.


Okay, enough of US :) Now its all about the totally AWESOME 5 to strut their stuffs.

We watched Twilight ( I know its late) , and loved it, though I gotta admit, book was better, but who cares? We watched half the movie then we ate? Then watched again. We all agreed that the way Edward treated Bella was damn sweet! Seriously weih ;)

Don't mind me, I'm doing a retarded jump shot

xx ; yishan

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