Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I went to zhennie's house at 1.45 pm and i'm late even thou it starts at 2 pm
so anyways , we were talking at the table and was quite akward but tht moment passed real fast cause zhennie is opening her presents .
i gave an anime keychain and zhen ling saw it before in anime tech .
crap !
chiew theng gave a necklace inside a ring box so they got married again , second time .
yishan made a cake too , lemon cheese cake .

sweet couple .

Chiew Theng , Kay-li

group picture .
I'm not trying to be lala , i was trying to make zhenling lala
noticed i got wear spec ? it's not mine , it's zhenling's bro's , yi cheng's , one .
without the lense so i can rub my eye throu the hole . haha .
( i'm not wearing spec in real life . )

After watching move , oh did i mention edward is so vampire sexy hot he's so sweet to bella . aww , i wish he's mine not hers xD , yishan was really desperate to take the jumping one so we went to the backyard with more space and jumpp !

the scary thing was , there were 2 maids , 1 baby watching us .

we took half way and ct gtg . screw you ! heh

who is yishan cheering for ? this pic is not going to be wasted . next time we can take this to make a cheering photo . woo tht's the spirit .

yishan , me , kay-li
yishan looks funny . i look horible . eyes closed i think . kay-li + her very long hands (not an insult , kay )

kay-li , yishan

kay-li constipating xD idk how to spell . yishan also .

kay-li , yishan

yishan is cheering agn .

nature group pic before ct gtg.

ct is with who now ?! she's cheating !

charlie's angels .

another jump shot , nice one :D

went home abt 6.30 pm or so ?

got 3 mini ice cream on the way out .

i suck in bloggin :( the pictures all everywhere . dun have like one by one .


conclusion :

my solution didn't work so i used desending order . can anybody teach me how to make the pic better :(

this ends here .

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